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6 Things I do during an endo flare-up

6 Things I do during an endo flare-up

Woman sitting on white sheets looking up

Flare-ups suck, seriously. Anyone with endometriosis can attest to just how soul-sucking a flare-up can be. While flare-ups are different for each endovidual, for me an endo flare-up means waking up in pain just to spend half of the day waddling back and forth from the bathroom. The other half is spent lying in bed wishing the pain away.

I was diagnosed a few months ago, so I’ve yet to receive any specific kind of treatment. The next time I see my doctor, we’ll weigh my options and choose what works best for me. In the meantime, paying attention to my body’s needs is the only way I can manage the pain. With that being said, here’s a list of things I do to ease an endo flare-up.

1. Sleep

Sleep is my first line of defense and for good reason. When I first feel the pain of a flare-up, being active in any way is intolerable. That’s why I try to get some rest before doing anything else. Sometimes I take magnesium before going to sleep. Usually, sleeping flat on my back is the best position for me due to my stomach and back pain.

2. Drink water

My second priority is staying hydrated. Through my past flare-ups, I’ve learned that drinking plenty of water helps keep my pain at bay. I pay attention to how my body reacts to see whether or not drinking water helps. Sometimes it might make my pain a bit worse short-term, but it always helps me heal faster!

3. Eat a small snack

Before I can snack, I ensure that I’m stable enough to stand and walk myself to the kitchen without getting hurt. Sometimes, I’m simply too nauseated to eat. If I can eat, I usually make a small snack made of fresh produce—it’s what my body handles best. A few slices of apple with organic peanut butter or a salad makes for a great snack. 

4. Spend time with loved ones

If I’m flaring up, I try to spend time with those I love most. This could mean texting a friend or partner, cuddling my cat, or having my boyfriend come over to take care of me. Focusing on those I care about most can be healing on an emotional level—even when I’m feeling down or in pain. It can also be helpful to vent about how you feel to someone who cares about what you’re going through!

5. Do small activities in bed

I don’t know about you, but during a flare-up, I end up doing everything from my bed. Positioning my body as flat as possible and standing up only when necessary keeps my pain more tolerable. 

Things I like to do from my bed include:

  • Writing (Yes, I’m currently writing this during a flare-up!)
  • Reading (I’m currently reading the Harry Potter series.)
  • Watching TV
  • Playing with my companion animals (using a toy that’s accessible from the bed)
  • Making a to-do list to tackle when I feel better (Staying organized helps me to feel less stressed!)
  • Staying informed on the news 

6. Listen to my own body’s needs

When I’m not feeling well, I try to be aware of the things that might help make me feel better throughout the day. For some people, a heating pad may ease their stomach pain—for me, sometimes a cooling pack helps!

On certain days, taking a lukewarm bath might help to keep my body relaxed. Sometimes I feel better after going for a short walk—if I can manage to go outside. I know that each time I have a flare-up my body acts differently, so it’s OK if I can’t get outside on some days.

The best thing you can do is take things day by day. Remember: Your flare-ups and how you cope with them are capable of changing each time. The only thing you can do is get a feel for what your needs are and do what’s best for your own recovery.

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