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An Open Letter to My Body, From a Woman Who’s Struggling With Endometriosis-Related Infertility

An Open Letter to My Body, From a Woman Who’s Struggling With Endometriosis-Related Infertility


Dear, body.

I’m sorry for being so hard on you. I know you’ve gone to Hell and back fighting this incredibly difficult disease. And I’m sorry I haven’t always been understanding, especially on the days you’d rather rest.

I should listen to you more.

I’m sorry for judging you and thinking you look awful at different angles. I should know that the extra weight is because we haven’t been the same, and that’s okay. I promise to take better care of you and allow you to rest.

I’m sorry for resenting you in your most honest and glorious phase of life. I’m sorry for taking you for granted and for not taking care of you the way you deserve. I promise that changes now.

I promise to look at you with admiration and love because the journey you have been on has been anything short of trying. You have fought long and hard and continue to fight day in, day out.

I promise to be grateful for the scars we have because they represent a story that only we can tell.

I promise to love you as you love me. You’re so unwavering in your commitment to living as normally as any person can. I promise to not be so harsh and to hold strong during the difficult days.

I promise to keep alive the dreams of carrying a child because we deserve to know what that feels like.

A Woman Who’s Struggling With Endometriosis-Related Infertility

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